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Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Magic of Summer Baseball

The Magic of
Summer Baseball

Summer means baseball!  And baseball means fun!  And you add Joshua to baseball and it becomes evey more magical!  And I always have sweet memories of the magic of summer baseball!

We usually had baseball games up to four days or nights a week with at sometimes four kids on teams at the same time.  Whether  it was a hot summer afternoon, or a warm game at dusk with the beautiful sunset, I loved it!

Joshua loved baseball too and loved playing in his own t-ball games on Saturday (more fun on that to come in another post).

Since Joshua didn't understand etiquette and boundaries we had many interesting moments!  I always had to be ready to rescue any soda that was sitting on the bench or ground and not in a spectator's hand, because to Joshua, that meant it was available!  .His eagle eye and quick hands would swoop that drink up so fast that I had to offer many, many apologies and then replace those same drinks!  (Although many people were so kind that they didn't want me to worry about it!)  If they only knew how many drinks I did save from his quick hands!  The funny dilemma was that if I bought Joshua his own drink there was also a good chance that he might throw it! Despite that, I still tried and let him buy his own soda at the snack stands too.  He loved that!  

Along with the slick stealing of sodas, Joshua did love to shake everyone's hands, and change seats all throughout the game!  He always clapped and yelled out for any ball hit - foul ball or homerun and no matter what team hit it!  He cheered loudly for everyone!  I loved my handsome sidekick, Joshua, who added such fun and adventure to every baseball game we ever attended! 

Whenever I drive by Ft. Utah, or the Pleasant Grove or Provo baseball parks, I can smile to myself thinking of my tall handsome Joshua Boy and the joy and love he shared with everyone he met.  Here is a letter I wrote my first baseball summer without Joshua.  I will always miss my special son.

Letter to my Son --- Summer 2006
Baseball Memories

I loved seeing you hold your dollar bill with two hands, walking over six feet tall,
happily to go and pick out your treat.

Dear Joshua:

Image result for fort utah park provostood in line at the Snack Bar at Ft. Utah Baseball Park today.  With bitter/sweet memories I thought of you and how proud I was at your new-found ability and enthusiasm to take a one dollar bill and order your own snack.  I loved seeing you hold your dollar bill with two hands, walking over six feet tall, happily to go and pick out your treat.  Your favorite treats were M&Ms and rootbeer.  And I could tell that you were so proud of yourself that you could do this on your own.  At age 22, this was quite an accomplishment!!  Several times I would introduce you to the workers at the Snack Bar and tell them your favorite treats.  They all loved you, and loved to serve you.  In meeting you, they were also familiar with the fact that you might not wait your turn in line.  And that you would stick your head over the counter and right into the snack bar!  But the funnest part was finding out which treat you would return with.  It depended on what the workers “heard” you say, but no matter what you ordered, and then brought back to me, you always came back so happy and enthusiastic.

One special day we were sitting in the baseball stands.  Suddenly your name was called out from the announcer’s booth, and I looked up and saw the manager of the ballpark, Clint Barnes, calling your name and trying to get your attention.  I then also tried to get your attention, and pointed up to the announcer’s booth where Clint was calling “Joshua” and waving.  We tried so hard to get you to look up to just the right window, but it must have been too far away, because you could hear your name, but you couldn’t see who was calling your name.  It was a fun moment.  But the moment became even more special when Clint actually came down from the announcer’s booth to give you your own special treat from the snack bar.  You were so cute, and so happy when your friend Clint gave you such special attention.  And I was so happy at the compassion and understanding I felt from this very busy baseball manager, who took the time out to show us both the worth of your soul.

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