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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Funeral Talk Excerpts by Joshua's Mom

Funeral Talk Excerpts (Selma) ---
“The symbolism of Joshua passing away from an enlarged heart has touched us deeply. 
Because his heart was truly larger than life.”

I’m Joshua’s Mom.  Better known as “Where’s Selma”.  Thank you for the love that I feel here, and the support and the strength, because he loved every one of you.

I brought a hymnbook but I won’t throw it.  But I just want to stand today in gratitude to my Heavenly Father, although my heart is so sad, for the gift that we received as a family.  The symbolism of Joshua passing away from an enlarged heart has touched us deeply.  Because his heart was truly larger than life.

I feel he’s been my missionary companion for almost 23 years.  And I wondered how new missionaries adjust when they return home.  Because I can’t imagine, right now, the adjustment.

I’m thankful for brothers and sisters who loved him with all their heart.  Jeremy loved taking him cruising and meeting cute girls.  I think he wanted as many hugs as Joshua got though.  Jamie loved taking Joshua on horseback, double.  It took a lot to hold on to him.  Jacob & Janson loved helping him with T-Ball and the two-seater bike with their friends.  Also, all the kids helped with seizures, baths, diapers and were patient with his aggressiveness.  And Michael and all the kids were so good at making him laugh.

I’m thankful for pure charity and love that was given to us for so many years, but it didn’t seem enough years.  He made me as a Mom feel special and completely loved.

I’m thankful for those of you who knew him and understood him and loved him.  The blessing that is can’t be expressed.  I wish I could say individually, but we would be here a really long time, each of your names.

I’m thankful for the scriptures that were given in this life to help us understand and I want to share a few that have lifted me, and you’ll understand.  In Mosiah when the Nephites were feel burdened, they were told, “Lift up your heads and be of good comfort for I know of the covenant which you have made unto me, and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.  And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders that even you cannot  feel them upon your backs.”  That’s why I could hold him on my back.  And I loved doing it.  (Mosiah 24:14-15.)

In 3rd Nephi 17, when the Savior loves the little children.  I read that many times knowing that He loved Joshua.  And when He healed the little children, Joshua has now been healed with angels surrounding him. (3 Nephi 17:7-25.)

In Moroni 7, this is on his missionary plaque, because this scripture is all about who he is.  “But charity is the pure love of Christ and it endureth forever.  And whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.”  And we know that Joshua was possessed of it at the last day.  (Moroni 7:47.)

We are thankful for the support and love that we received and will never be able to express how much it has meant.

On Monday evening, I received a letter from Joshua’s youth counselor last year, Jonathan Case.  I read it Monday night.  There was a letter to me, and a letter to Joshua.  And Tuesday morning I read this to Joshua, not knowing what lay in store.

“Dear Joshua,  I don’t know if this letter will ever reach you in this life, and if it did I’m not sure the words would make sense to you – but, I know that it must be written.  I know that you have a greater understanding than any of us and this is one message that MUST be written.  I know that you were put here on earth, at this time, for many reasons, one being for my well being.  Through the power and inspiration of God, I found you (or you, me) and you taught me so much.  I learned love towards all men, even if I don’t always practice it, I know that you do.  I learned the importance of free-will as one of God’s greatest gifts.  Finally, I saw first hand how to live a Christ like life.  You will forever be my big brother and I love you so much.  Thank you for your example and love.  Your friend for eternity, Jonathan Case.”

Then with the events of Tuesday afternoon, as we surrounded him later, after he’d passed away, we read that letter, those letters, as family and close friends. 

And I want to give you my testimony of what I know that Joshua understood.  He would want each one of you to know how much he loved you, always.  And how thankful he is that you were part of his life.

He would tell you that he would want you to do your best to return to Heavenly Father so that we can all rejoice together someday.

And he would want you to know that every day he tried to be like Jesus.  And I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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