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Friday, November 24, 2017

Tears With a Stranger

Tears With a Stranger

Today was the day after Thanksgiving and was a beautiful and very warm Fall day in Utah.  This was a perfect afternoon to visit Joshua's grave and put a few Christmas decorations on it.  I also always to clean it up a little by trimming the grass and brushing away any old grass.  This is always a special mother-son time.

A Summer picture at Joshua's grave
There was a gentleman that arrived just before me and he had brought a folding chair and sat right next to a grave not far away from Joshua's grave.

After I had my sweet moments with Joshua I turned to leave.  But then I noticed this man was still sitting next to the grave.  I walked over to him and told him I was sorry for his loss.  He was so kind as he thanked me.  I asked who he had lost.  He said this was his daughter.  I told him that I was at the grave of my son.  We talked for a few moments.  His daughter was 25 years old, and I told him Joshua was 22 years old.  And then as I realized that she had just recently passed away, my tears started to flow.  I told him that she must have been beautiful. 

I could feel the raw numbness and pain and shock of those first few weeks.  I miss Joshua every day and have had many adjustments, and still shed many tears.  But the intensity and depth of the grief and pain at the time of Joshua's death will never be forgotten as my heart broke and a part of my broken heart was taken away and replaced with a special place in my heart carries such beautiful and sweet memories of my incredible Joshua boy.  I cried for this man and his family as they face this intensity of grief and pain, and I pray for them too.

At Joshua's graveside service
I walked away very mindful again of this raw pain, and the deep and intense love parents have for their children.  It was also a special moment to visit with this gentleman, and share with such understanding and compassion, for that brief moment, in his love and grief for his beautiful daughter.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

BYU Hockey Team Brings Joy to Glory Community!

BYU Hockey Team Brings Joy to Glory Community!
November 2017

BYU Hockey rocks!!  They are not just incredible hockey players, but also incredible young men!

I love this hockey team!  All of the players, well especially the three Eisenstat brothers!  And yes, I'm one proud mom of these three amazing sons.  But this amazing team totally melted my heart and brought tears to my eyes on their recent road trip to Colorado!  

Even though they didn't have a lot of sleep and had three games, they worked, served and played hockey with the Glory Community!  The smiles of joy on these amazing young men say it all!  See this amazing article below!


Thanks BYU Hockey for living what life is all about.  You are fabulous!   "... Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."  Matthew 25:40.

And seeing these incredible young men serve with joy and love reminds me of the many heroes in my life and in Joshua's life who brought him joy, time, memories, friendship and love!

Assistant Coach Jeremy Eisenstat helping his big brother!

Defenseman Janson Eisenstat helping his brother smile at the hospital!

Captain Jacob Eisenstat hugging his big brother Joshua!