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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Finding Holland continued (1991 - 2005)

1991 - 2005
"Finding Holland"
My broken dreams vanished, as new and beautiful hopes and dreams came in to view. 
So as I contemplated on the questions and desires I had for Joshua’s life when he was born,
I realized that the questions had stayed the same, but the answers had changed.

If one looked outwardly at our family situation, there would seem to be more burdens than blessings.  Joshua was the oldest of five siblings.  At the time his youngest brother was born, I had 3 children in diapers since at age 12, Joshua was still not toilet trained.  There was much sacrifice, little sleep and many tears shed during this time.
The hardships and frustrations abounded with aggressive outbursts, hitting siblings throughout the day, countless items thrown over the fence, out the window, down the toilet, etc. and every family activity being disrupted in some way.  Joshua’s siblings could not watch TV, play Nintendo or do homework without some type of interruption or outburst from Joshua.  We had very few normal family events such as a meal, or family home evening or family prayer without some kind of problem from the tantrums, the hitting or the throwing.  But it was what happened between these behaviors that became the real celebration of Joshua.  His skinny body was so full of love, we learned to not focus on his autistic behaviors, and instead celebrate and joy in the beautiful young man Joshua was inside with his overflowing love and interest and affection for the world around him.  
There was a scripture in the New Testament which read:  “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”  (Matthew 11:28-30.)

I took this scripture to heart, and I learned more about Jesus Christ, and what this scripture could mean to me.  I learned and felt of the love Jesus Christ had for Joshua, and for me, and this brought rest to my soul.  The physical burden of caring for Joshua did not go away, but the capacity and strength to do so was increased.  My burden did become light through the atonement of Jesus Christ.

Another scripture that literally carried me through the physical strength required of me is found in The Book of Mormon.  It reads: “And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions. . . the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord.”  (Mosiah 24:14-15.) 
Joshua required daily physical care through self-help skills (diaper changes, bathing and dressing), along with physical strength needed to lift and carry him after behaviors and seizures.  Many times I would need to carry him on my back to get him from one place to another.  I was thankful he was skinny, but since he grew to be 6 feet tall, this was not always an easy task.  When I read the promise of this scripture that I would not “feel them upon” my back this became true in that carrying Joshua on my back was no longer a burden, and the strength given to me by Heavenly Father gave me the ability to literally carry Joshua on my back with much joy and gratitude in my heart, for a very special young man with a huge and loving heart. 
As I learned to rely and focus more on the strength and love that was being offered to me by a loving Heavenly Father, I was thankful for the patience He had shown me, as I had not seen Joshua for who he could truly become.  I became more and more aware of His love, and the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ for Joshua and for me.  I knew that my strength was not sufficient enough to give Joshua all he needed in this life.  I placed my trust and faith in Christ’s atonement to give all I had for Joshua, and watched in wonder as the rest of Joshua’s needs (physically, spiritually and emotionally) were met by sacrifice and love given throughout his life by loving hands of family, friends and strangers.  Henry B. Eyring, stated “We need strength beyond ourselves to keep the commandments in whatever circumstance life brings to us.”  (Henry B. Eyring, Ensign, May 2004).  I was given the gift of that strength every day.

There is also a scripture in the Pearl of Great Price that reads: “And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them.”  (Abraham 3:25.)
This was an extremely difficult task and journey to raise a child with disabilities.  I learned throughout this journey that this was a blessing and a privilege and my Heavenly Father expected me to make sure Joshua’s life was full of happiness and joy, through accomplishment and experiences, and through the love of the world around him.  There was no doubt that I needed strength beyond myself to accomplish this.  I am thankful every day for the sacrifice and strength of others that allowed me to accomplish this very special assignment.  There were many things I desired for Joshua throughout his life, but the things I desired the most for Joshua was that he would know and feel he was loved and to have a happy life.  People gave him that happiness, that love and the joy which filled him with purpose and importance.
My journey with Joshua, that had already been filled with more beauty than I had realized, now became an even more joyous adventure, day by day.  Although extremely difficult, heart-wrenching and exhausting, my life with Joshua became one of unity, joy and purpose.  I depended daily on the strength and love from above, along with the strength, sacrifice and love from many family members, friends and strangers whose loving hands lifted me, bringing me renewed strength and deep gratitude and joy.

My broken dreams vanished, as new and beautiful hopes and dreams came in to view.  So as I contemplated on the questions and desires I had for Joshua’s life when he was born, I realized that the questions had stayed the same, but the answers had changed.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

1st Annual World Autism Day - A Slice of Pure Heaven

1st annual World Autism Day -- "A Slice of Pure Heaven"
One Mother's Story -- CNN Spotlights Joshua
April 2, 2008 --

My tears were full of joy and sorrow, gratitude and wonder, and as they streamed down my cheeks,
completely full of a mother's love for her precious son.

In March 2008, I had a very unexpected phone call from CNN.  I had to ask myself, you mean "the CNN?"  Why would they be calling me?  Kate Taylor, a wonderful lady, explained that Joshua's story had been submitted for World Autism Day which would be on April 2nd.  This would be the 1st annual World Autism Day, and we were being asked to participate in this special and inspiring event!

I was overwhelmed, with joy, that Joshua's life might be remembered in such a special way, and globally too!  I was so excited and later called my brother Doug to tell him.  Within a few moments, I found out that my incredible brother Doug, was the one who had submitted Joshua's story and pictures.  This touched me so deeply.  As Kate and I connected on the phone, and because CNN was stationed in Atlanta, an interview was scheduled with me over the phone.  They also asked for permission to use any of Doug's pictures and videos he had submitted.  As the date of World Autism Day drew closer I was very excited.  But I was trying not to be too excited since I (and many others) had been told that only a few stories would be selected and they did not known which ones yet.  They would be spotlighting stories throughout the day on the TV and also on their website.  As this was the night before, I woke up early in the morning and started watching the news. 

I cannot even explain the feeling of wonder, gratitude and joy that enveloped me when early in the morning a beautiful newsclip of Joshua was given on TV.  It was amazing!  And then, this happened several more times throughout the day.  I went to work for a little while and shared with my wonderful friends the blessings that had already occurred.  It was definitely hard to concentrate and to work.  While I was at work I pulled up the CNN website.  I was even more deeply overcome when the cover picture that day was one of my favorite pictures of me and Joshua -- in a tight, huge and happy hug.  The cover story came with a video presentation of my interview combined with pictures and videos submitted by Doug.  It was beautifully put together, and I could not stop the tears from flowing.  My tears were full of joy and sorrow, gratitude and wonder, and as they streamed down my cheeks, completely full of a mother's love for her precious son.

Readers respond: living with autism
CNN marked World Autism Awareness Day this past week by taking an unprecedented look at this mysterious disorder. The public’s response was quick and heartfelt. Readers gave moving accounts of living with and loving someone with autism. We share some of these stories from CNN iReporters, including one from the mother of an autistic boy who says she received a "a slice of pure heaven in her home."

I miss Joshua every day, I miss his mission and life and this brought some sweet healing to know that he will continue to live on throughout the world. I miss the slice of heaven we daily experienced with his pure love and mission.  I quickly sent out emails and messages so we could share this happy time as family and friends. 

Here is the link to the Website interview:

Here is the link to the blog set up by Doug, which includes several of the TV interviews:

Here is the link to my blog writings on Joshua and our life together:

This wonderful experience with CNN became even more meaningful as we then had responses from people throughout the Nation expressing tender and beautiful feelings after reading Joshua's story.  We even had a kind and sensitive gentleman begin donating to our Adapted Hockey Team here in Utah County.  Another sweet experience came when "Stop Think Autism" did their own cover of CNN's World Autism Day:

There is incredible joy to know that Joshua's life will bless the lives of family, friends and strangers, as we enthusiastically celebrated the life and mission of Joshua on this special World Autism Day.
