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Sunday, June 22, 2014

In Memory of a Special Friend

A Tribute to a Special Friend
In Memory of Gary Hawes
February 14, 1939 -- May 7, 2014

The Salt Lake Tribune headlined the tragic story of Gary Hawes with the title: 
Former U-2 spy plane pilot, flight student killed in Utah crash. 

The following statements are of the same amazing man:

The Salt Lake Tribune:
He flew recon missions over Cuba, Southeast Asia in ‘70s. 
My own title:
He volunteered to help a boy with autism in church every time we visited
over the course of about 15 years.
Words cannot express our sorrow over Gary's sudden and tragic death.  His wife Suzan is a beautiful example of love, support and warmth.  There is no dout that when Joshua greeted Gary when he stepped into the eternities with a huge hug and high five.  And I'm sure that Joshua said "Thank you Gary ... for loving me, chasing me and laughing with me."


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Living Water

My life with Joshua was full of the strength and blessing of the Living Water of the love of Christ.  My testimony and assurance that Joshua was loved and known by our Savior Jesus Christ, brought both of us strength, hope and purpose.  I love to run near rivers of living water, so symbolic of my need for water physically is a sweet reminder of an even greater need for the living water of the Jesus Christ. (John 4:14)

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Here is one of my favorite talks on death and grief by Elder Lance B. Wickman, given in October 2002, titled "But If Not."  This has brought me much comfort and strength, and through study and prayer, sweet comfort and meaningful experiences. It can be found at:  https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2002/10/but-if-not?lang=eng.

I know that Joshua's spirit lives on, that Joshua is working hard for the building up of the Lord's kingdom and that I will see my Joshua Boy again and our reunion filled with sweetness and joy.