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Monday, November 14, 2016

Joshua Wins a Membership at Gold's Gym!

Joshua Wins a Membership at Gold's Gym!

As I picked up the phone I was surprised to hear a man ask to speak to Joshua Eisenstat.  There were many phone calls for Jeremy, Jamie, Jacob and Janson, but definitely not for Joshua.  So I let the caller know that I was his Mom and asked what he needed.  He asked again to speak to Joshua.  I said that Joshua couldn't come to the phone.  He wanted to know he if Joshua was home.  I said that he was but that he really couldn't talk on the phone.  And the caller said that he just wanted to let Joshua know that he had won a Gold's Gym Membership by entering a contest and needed to tell Joshua. I expressed my surprise since Joshua would not have been able to enter a contest.  He told me that Joshua had written down his name and information.  I then told him that Joshua could only write a line on a piece of paper so I didn't think he had entered the contest.  It was a fun conversation, but I was a little baffled at how Joshua had entered this contest.  I also knew that Gold's Gym probably did not want Joshua hanging out at their gym!  He would probably throw some of the barbells for sure!

Anyway, the man said that since Joshua wouldn't be able to use the membership, that maybe I would like it!  I told him that Joshua was actually my own home gym!  (And he really, really was!)

Anyway, I had fun telling the story at dinner that night.  But I noticed that Jeremy was a little quiet and serious.  He finally spoke up and tentatively admitted that he was the one that signed Joshua up for the contest!!  Jeremy really wanted to win a membership at Gold's Gym, but you had to be 18 years old to sign up, and since Joshua was 18 that solved his problem!

We all got a good chuckle over that one.  

Joshua was the best gym I ever, ever had. He was my weights and my cardio every day!  And he was definitely the most entertaining!