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Saturday, July 29, 2017

My First 10K Race!

 My First 10K Race!

I finished the Speedy Spaniard 10K - my first 10K at age 55!!  Although I'm not speedy and definitely struggled (I had some walking moments for sure)! I loved starting the race with my beautiful daughter-in-law and having Kristin, Jeremy and Jacob cheering me in at the finish line! Seeing family at the finish line was the absolute best!  I am not a great runner, and wasn't fully prepared so that first hill right at the start threw off my hopes, since I had to walk right away and get past that difficulty!!  I did run most of the time and knowing Kristen was running in front of me, and my family would be at the finish line kept me going!! 

I also had a beautiful tender mercy when my running pace was the same as a dad running with one son and pushing another son in a large stroller! I talked to them later and his son had similar disabilities as Joshua. So I felt Joshua cheering me on too!  With Joshua's super hyperactivity and running everywhere, I called Joshua my very own home gym, so I loved this very sweet blessing today!

My time was 1:16.  For the record, I got 6th place out of 6 women in my age group!!  But I finished.  :)

Thanks Kristen for inspiring me to do this!! You rock!!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Computer Piggy Bank!

The Computer Piggy Bank!
Thank you Gerald Bringhurst!

I ran into Sue and Gerald Bringhurst at a wedding reception a few days ago.  They are wonderful neighbors and friends of mine when we lived in Pleasant Grove.  It is always so fun to re-connect and remember good times with cherished friends!  We had a good laugh remembering Joshua's own hidden piggy bank!

One of Joshua's favorite things was to play "Wheel of Fortune" on his own computer.  He loved calling out the letters, finding the letters on the keyboard and cheering with Pat and Vanna as the players won some money!  He especially loved it when one player said hi to "Joshua" even though it wasn't meant for him!

Anyway, periodically the computer would stop working.  Gerald was so kind as to donate some time to repair Joshua's computer when needed.  So as he dug into Joshua's computer to find the problem, he was super excited to tell us the problem!

Joshua had been using the small opening where the floppy disk went, to insert pennies, nickles, dimes and quarters!!  And he had inserted quite a stash!!  So Gerald emptied the computer of its latest windfall, and the beloved computer was back in action!!  But of course, it didn't take long to realize that another windfall of money was inside, and Gerald would be called back into action.

Thanks Gerald -- you saved many days!!

To see another article on our own family computer repairman, my brother Carl, see the link below!!


Computer Mishaps - Thank You Uncle Carl!

Computer Mishaps - Thank You Uncle Carl!

Joshua was very hard on computers, so we needed more than one computer repairman!  inside Joshua's computer.

And my awesome brother, Carl, came on multiple occasions to find other mysterious computer problems.  With Joshua's fingers clicking away, computers definitely didn't last too long.  And it was always a harder day if Joshua did not have his computer to play Wheel of Fortune!!

But Joshua knew that Carl would and could fix his computer.  In fact, when he would see Carl, he would say in his cute voice, "Carl ... puter."  He was very thankful for his wonderful Uncle, and I was also very thankful for his willingness and love for Joshua.  

Our neighbor, Gerald Bringhurst helped us find missing money in our home, that ended up inside Joshua's computer.  That deserved its own post!  

The pictures below are worth more than a thousand words!  Thank you Carl!!

A sweet Uncle and Nephew bonding moment!

Carl giving Joshua two high fives after a successful computer fix!
Joshua showing Uncle Carl his gratitude with his special Joshua hug!