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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Funeral Talk by Jeremy - Joshua's Brother

Funeral Talk by
Jeremy - Joshua's Brother

My heart hurts because of the loss of my special brother, but I also rejoice in the fact that he is free. He is normal. He is no longer tied down to his disabled mortal body. He no longer has to endure the pain of his seizures which were unbearable to watch. He is happy and he is watching out for all of us. He touched literally thousands of lives. 

When Joshua passed away, Jeremy was serving his mission in the New Zealand Wellington Mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  This was one of the hardest phone call we ever had to make. Through much prayer, Jeremy felt the best place for him to be was on his mission and so he stayed in New Zealand.  During this heart-wrenching time, Jeremy wrote this talk and asked that it be read at Joshua's funeral by his dad. Jeremy's inspired words give a wonderful depiction of the relationship he and Joshua shared.  His love, humor and tenderness have always touched my heart.  I love you Jeremy and Joshua!!

Funeral Talk by Jeremy

Joshua is my special brother. He always has been and he always will be. His passing away was very sudden and unexpected. It was difficult for me to hear the news as it was for everyone. I really wish I could be there, but I'm needed here. [Serving in the New Zealand Wellington Mission.] 
I want to say some things about Joshua that I have been thinking about. He was and is the best big brother that anyone could ever ask for. For 19 years we slept in the same room, we grew up together, we played together and I've heard stories about when were really young and we somehow caused a little bit of trouble together. I'll always have the memories of him laughing and smiling and saying his little funny phrases that everyone loves to imitate. I loved watching him hit rocks with hockey sticks, except when he got ahold of one of my nice $200 sticks and smacked it on the street. I loved watching him tear his shoes apart while riding down neighbors' driveways on skateboards. I loved watching him play sports. I've never ever seen someone as skinny as he was, hit a ball so hard off a tee, and then throw the metal bat to first base, and then not want to go to first base. I loved when he would take a drink, and mix it with another drink, and then drink it and look at us waiting for us to make him laugh while drinking it and spilling whatever the drink was all over the floor. I'll miss giving him hugs and high fives. We often told a little joke about how he has been acting his whole life just as an excuse to hug and kiss every young lady that he sees. Not many people can do that and get away with it. Maybe someday I can be as smooth as Joshua. I've never seen anyone work a VCR like Joshua did. He loved his movies and tapes. If it weren't for Joshua I probably wouldn't be the only 20 year old guy in the world who knows every Barney song by heart. I think my most memorable memory of Joshua was when me and Uncle Doug were giving him a bath. We stood Joshua up to wash his legs and Doug was holding onto him while I bent down to wash his knees, and all of the sudden, I felt something wet trickling on my head!! As you can guess, my big brother pee'd on me. I threw my shirt of and stuck my head under the shower while Joshua and Doug were just cracking up. It was funny. These are memories to last a lifetime. I wouldn't be surprised if, at the end of my life when I meet up with Joshua again he will say, with his arms out, "Wa Hapn?" My heart hurts because of the loss of my special brother, but I also rejoice in the fact that he is free. He is normal. He is no longer tied down to his disabled mortal body. He no longer has to endure the pain of his seizures which were unbearable to watch. He is happy and he is watching out for all of us. He touched literally thousands of lives. I know he is where he needs to be. I know that I will be able to be with him again...forever! This is made possible through the atonement of Jesus Christ. I know that Joshua has been taken home to God where he belongs. How comforting it is to know that. Joshua is in Paradise. He is gone from this challenging and confusing world. I have felt the Savior's love very strongly as I've prayed and also pondered about Joshua boy. He is special and always will be. I love him and miss him. He is a best friend to me. I want to thank everyone who has helped Joshua, or who has even just given him a high five. I'm so thankful for the love that everyone has for this special boy. The Gospel is real and I know we will all see him again. I love you Joshua. In the name of our loving Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen. 

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